8 Meter pole

8Mtr/200 Kg PSC Pole

The Guaranteed Particulars of PSC Poles 8 Mtr. 200 Kg.

1. Working Load: 200 Kg
2. Factor Of Safety: 2.5
3. Ultimate Load: 500 Kg

4. Dimensions:
a) Bottom Cross section: 336.55 * 139.7 mm
b) Top Cross Section : 114.3* 139.7 mm
c) Total Height : 8,000 mm
d) Web Thickness: 57.15 mm (2.25 inch)
e) Planting Depth : 1381 mm

5. No. Of 20 mm dia. Holes.
a) On front Face: 02 nos. ( 100 mm apart )
b) On side face: 05 nos. (300 mm apart)

6. Minimum Requirement:
a) Cube Test ( Each Specimen ) : 450Kg/Cm2 ( 28 Days ): 225Kg/Cm2 (3 Days) – at release of Prestress.
b) Initial tension in HT Steel Wire/Pole : 70% of 175.00Kg/mm2

As specified in related I.S. Code


Our Main Raw Materials


The cement used in the manufacture of pre-stressed concrete poles is  53 Grade Ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS: 12269 to get 28 days strength of 450 Kg/cm^2.


Coarse aggregates are hard, strong, dense, durable, clear and free from veins and adherent coating, and free from injurious amount of disintegrated pieces, alkali, vegetable material, and other deleterious substances

H.T. Wire

H.T. wire of diameter 4 mm. having a minimum ultimate tensile strength of 17500 kg/cm2 is being used as per approved drawing of the PSC poles


Water is free from chlorides, Sulphate, other salts and organic matter. Potable water will be generally suitable.

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